Sunday, April 20, 2008

Poo Corner

It’s a fact of life that you-know-what happens. When you gotta go, you gotta go. Now, my manners have been subverted to meet human standards, which differ greatly from dog standards in bathroom matters.

Just like our table manners standards are different… You, for example, would never take advantage of the opportunity to eat an apparently unattended steak. I, however, under the influence of many thousands of years of instinct, against only a year or two of training, might be forced to gobble up a rare, ownerless sirloin… It’s survival!

Same with poo. Not to be a potty mouth, but humans and dogs are clearly separate species when it comes to bathroom stuff. We canine types communicate with pee and poo; it’s how we set our boundaries, say ‘hi’ to each other, differentiate between friends and enemies, and even let that handsome German Shepherd down the street know we’ve noticed him. (Hi, Rex!)

Tammy is crazy conscientious about cleaning up after me, but since she has limited hand function, she does the poo corner clean-up once or twice a week. She brings a BIG bag, and does it all at once! (She keeps threatening to make me do the poo pick-up, but luckily I don’t have opposable thumbs)

Tammy makes sure she cleans up after me regularly, and of course poo corner is an isolated area where nobody’s kids can step in doggie-doo, but some people aren’t the least bit worried about what their canine friends leave behind – I’ve smelled some really old news in the grass
Gotta go now!

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