Thursday, September 25, 2008

Chewy Chewbacca: Morning Song

I love mornings! My morning routine has earned me the nickname Chewy Chewbacca, as in the hairy Star Wars co-pilot. Tammy calls it moaning, groaning, and growling, but really it's singing. I'm an outgoing girl, I'm friendly, why shouldn't I be gregarious and boisterous? Every day is a potential party day for me!

I know what to do - I wake up around 7:15 every morning, poking my nose under Tammy's dangling hand. You see, we know the doorbell is going to ring any minute, and then it's time to start our day. I do sit nicely by her bed, waiting for the 'release' command before I say 'good morning' to the attendant, but first I run in circles and grab my Nyla bone off the shelf to show her, and let her know it's time to go pee.

I stay happy and eager throughout the whole morning routine - I never bark, (of course!) but I talks and sing, and top off my good morning with a double-hug once Tammy's up. A double-hug means both the attendant and Tammy are hugging and petting me at the same time. I really can't decide whose torso my head should be buried in... It's all too good! It's one of mys happiest times, just as wonderful as running in the park, and our mornings wouldn't be complete without it.

1 comment:

Tara said...

Hi Breezie,

Why am I not surprised that you are a golden grumblesnorter too...after all you come from quite a line of them. We (and by we, I mean the golden lovers of the PADS office) decided we should do some research about this great Chewy Chewbacca-esk Grumblesnorting extravaganza (Your little brother Link is an party boy too!!). Here's what we found out: When goldens grumble, snort and growl with glee doggie brains are activated in the same spot as laughter does for people...

So giggle away dear golden girl, your own special hysterics are good for the soul...and for the souls of those of us that are lucky enough to witness this sheer grumblesnorting abandon!!!

Love, Tara