Sunday, August 3, 2008

A Day at the Park

I can't blog for too long right now, 'cause I'm about to head off to the park with Tammy and my favorite friend, Derek (Tammy's brother). That's him flying through the air on the right. The three of use are heading to the nearby dog park with treats and a lunch! Hopefully I'll sneak some of their food, but Derek is a pretty observant dude. Whenever we go to the park, Tammy usually puts me through my paces, which I've always hated. But eventually I always get some time to sniff things, roll in the grass, play with the other dogs and run around with Derek.

1 comment:

Naomi Mimi said...

I just found your blog, and I love reading about Breeze's adventures! Hope everyone involved had a good time at the doggie park :)